Sunday, July 31, 2016

RT @Mister_nicryan: "I love @motownmusical I always will..." Truly a bittersweet goodbye to an experience that…

posted: July 31, 2016 at 05:41PM
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RT @afghan_tariq: Afghanistan’s giant Buddhas rise again with 3D light projection Via Ansar Khilji

posted: July 31, 2016 at 05:35PM
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RT @hackaday: Exploring & documenting the #AmazonDash IoT device on #HackadayIO.

posted: July 31, 2016 at 05:34PM
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#moodtoday yep, feeling a little tired and bleary-eyed. #pencilsketch #today #selfportrait

posted: July 31, 2016 at 04:25PM
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RT @shadowandact: WSJ: Analysis concludes Trump’s economic proposals could produce prolonged recession & heavy job losses

posted: July 31, 2016 at 10:58AM
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From a week ago last night: #Takoyaki from @KarlsBalls at the @QueensNightMarket! Did not make it out last nite :(

posted: July 31, 2016 at 10:34AM
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Got my favorite #anime #GhostInTheShellSAC to play on #PocketCHIP! cc: @kixyuubann #nthpete #latenite #tech post

posted: July 31, 2016 at 12:23AM
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Saturday, July 30, 2016

RT @tyleroakley: voting is so important register here: apathy will make a trump presidency

posted: July 30, 2016 at 10:08PM
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Saw this at @Target. Yes, we live in a world where things can be both #crispy and #tender (and also be #MeatFree).

posted: July 30, 2016 at 09:35PM
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Today's #daily #henna #tattoo #CheckIn photo! Got it a week ago, tonight. Still enjoying it but glad it's henna. :)

posted: July 30, 2016 at 03:08PM
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Twice now, #Tumblr has pulled my videos as "sexually explicit" only to allow them mere minutes after appealing #wth

posted: July 30, 2016 at 02:31PM
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I'm learning #JavaScript for the #BBCMicroBit. Here's a video to give you an idea. #nthpete #latenite #tech #post

posted: July 30, 2016 at 12:09AM
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Friday, July 29, 2016

How does anyone just leave a spaceship to rot?!? A #SPACESHIP. 😑😞😡 #Buran #WeHardlyKnewYe

posted: July 29, 2016 at 04:37PM
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RT @AstroRM: The moon passed between @NASA climate observatory and the earth. Almost unbelievable that this is a real photo

posted: July 29, 2016 at 04:34PM
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Here is today's #daily #henna #tattoo #CheckIn! Definitely some fading and even blurriness sneaking in.

posted: July 29, 2016 at 01:48PM
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Another puppet video from @SierraRein and I. Please check it out! Just 4 mins of your time!

posted: July 29, 2016 at 10:37AM
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RT @arduino: Solar-powered, Arduino-based boat completes an unmanned voyage from California to Hawaii:

posted: July 29, 2016 at 10:21AM
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RT @GothamGlamourNY: Take pride in your work and your abilities to to the job that pays your bills. Then take pride…

posted: July 29, 2016 at 10:14AM
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Lines, light and shadow, taken inside the #OneWorldTrade #TransportationHub on Wednesday. #photography #phonography…

posted: July 29, 2016 at 09:33AM
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Like her or hate her, #history has been made&here is my geeky #BBCMicroBit tribute. #DNC2016 #DemsInPhilly #nthpete

posted: July 28, 2016 at 11:43PM
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Today's #henna #tattoo #daily #CheckIn photo! Definitely starting to see it fade a little. 5 days since I got it.

posted: July 28, 2016 at 05:54PM
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I think #TrumpThinking is contagious. #BeCareful, everyone!

posted: July 28, 2016 at 09:22AM
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RT @jaythepal: Shocking news from the #DNC2016 in today's #PuppetNewsBrief! #OKnotreally #puppets #news #DNCinPhilly #PNB #PNS

posted: July 28, 2016 at 02:00AM
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Tonite's #nthpete #latenite #tech post: video of some #noob #coding on my #BBCMicroBit! #SupDude #uktech #cheaptech

posted: July 28, 2016 at 01:19AM
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Current Yo Status: 😕

posted: July 28, 2016 at 01:14AM
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sabine's all like "he's still talking?!?" #StarWarsRebels #DNC2016 Life in

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Hashtag #Priorities I'll let you guess which one is muted. #BillClinton #StarWarsRebels Life in

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I love it when history happens & I hear about it on my watch first. #TheFuture #tech #wearables #nthpete

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A 24x #timelapse of Isha from @mesmerizingkreativity drawing my #henna #tattoo at the #QueensNightMarket

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New on #PeteSaves: How the new #GHOSTBUSTERS isn't going to please everyone but that's not important.

Never have 4 women playing fictional ghost hunters
caused so many losers with no lives to lose their minds.

So, usually, when I write about how I'd have made a film differently, it ends up being a fairly involved explanation.  However, there really isn't that much to fix with the new GHOSTBUSTERS movie.  It works fine and, I'd say, it's probably a tighter origin story than the original film.  Honestly, I laughed my ass off and the fact that women made me laugh my ass off makes it all the more interesting and fun to me.

Of course, I'm not threatened by women in the least, so maybe I'm unique among men.  But I'll get to more of this in a bit.  For now, I'll stick with the film, itself.  So…


Full disclosure: I am not a big fan of the original GHOSTBUSTERS.  That's not to say I don't like the film--I do.  I'm just not one of those people that praises it endlessly.  I'd rather watch CADDYSHACK or STRIPES.  The point is, this film didn't have to live up to any any preconceived expectations for me.  All it had to do was tell a cohesive story and make me laugh.  Which it did!  The bonus is that the cast are all really funny people who made the film quite fun to watch.  Usually, in American cinema, women aren't allowed to be funny.  So, this was a real treat.

Also, the warm reverence this film holds for the original GHOSTBUSTERS is wonderful.  If only every reboot had this kind of respect for its source material.  It was so great seeing all of this film's nods to what came before.
Obviously, the FX were amazing, but there really is no excuse for them to not be in today's world. 

Read the rest at!

Monday, July 25, 2016

All the #flying #footage I've been posting was shot a week ago yesterday. Just FYI, if you care.

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And finally, a landing-at-#JFK #video shot thru the window of an #airplane.Squint & maybe see Manhattan

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The #sun cannot hide from my #DroidTurbo's camera lens in this 37 second #video!Oh, wait, I guess it can...

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Here is #60secondsOfZen for anyone craving #airplane #takeoff footage from inside the #plane taking off.

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Here is a #cloud video that I shot coming home from SFO last week,in case you need #30secondsOfZen #clouds

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Still so happy to have gotten to see pal @mister_nicryan in @MotownMusical on Friday.Get tix now! It closes 7/31! 😭

Still so happy to have gotten to see pal @mister_nicryan in @MotownMusical on Friday.Get tix now! It closes 7/31! 😭

from my Instagram

OK, my #henna #tattoo isn't as elaborate as hers but this photo was shot on a #Motorola #DroidTurbo. :)

OK, my #henna #tattoo isn't as elaborate as hers but this photo was shot on a #Motorola #DroidTurbo. :)

from my Instagram

Today's #morning #henna #tattoo #CheckIn photo: MUCH darker than yesterday at this time.

Today's #morning #henna #tattoo #CheckIn photo: MUCH darker than yesterday at this time.

from my Instagram

Compared to #CHIP, the #PocketCHIP leaves quite a bit of work for #nthpete. No browser, #bt config thru terminal...

Compared to #CHIP, the #PocketCHIP leaves quite a bit of work for #nthpete. No browser, #bt config thru terminal...

from my Instagram

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Got some #ink on me! Thanks so much Isha at @mesmerizingkreativity! My #henna #tatoo looks great! ✋👍

Got some #ink on me! Thanks so much Isha at @mesmerizingkreativity! My #henna #tatoo looks great! ✋👍

from my Instagram

We got to take a #selfie with the titanic #takoyaki master himself! Great to see you @KarlsBalls! #AlwaysDelicious!

We got to take a #selfie with the titanic #takoyaki master himself! Great to see you @KarlsBalls! #AlwaysDelicious!

from my Instagram

Out at the @queensnightmarket tonight for...what was it again?

Out at the @queensnightmarket tonight for...what was it again?

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My #PocketCHIP from @NextThingCo came!Question: how long does it take to charge? #nthepete #midafternoon #tech post

My #PocketCHIP from @NextThingCo came!Question: how long does it take to charge? #nthepete #midafternoon #tech post

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Friday, July 22, 2016

We're having a blast! @mister_nicryan is (&the rest of the cast of @MotownMusical on #Broadway are)AMAZING! See it!

We're having a blast! @mister_nicryan is (&the rest of the cast of @MotownMusical on #Broadway are)AMAZING! See it!

from my Instagram

Seriously. #CastingAgents: @mister_nicryan is great in everything. #CastHim #CastNicRyan

Seriously. #CastingAgents: @mister_nicryan is great in everything. #CastHim #CastNicRyan

from my Instagram

Tonight's entertainment: @MotownMusical on #Broadway! I know #StevieWonder tonight! Cc: @mister_nicryan

Tonight's entertainment: @MotownMusical on #Broadway! I know #StevieWonder tonight! Cc: @mister_nicryan

from my Instagram

SO excited to see @mister_nicryan in @MotownMusical on #Broadway! Can honestly say I knew him when! #Disney

SO excited to see @mister_nicryan in @MotownMusical on #Broadway! Can honestly say I knew him when! #Disney

from my Instagram

Don't worry. It only feels like 104°F! #NYC #weather #GlobalWarming

Don't worry. It only feels like 104°F! #NYC #weather #GlobalWarming

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On the back of the fake $ we got to buy our ice cream @the #MrRobot #popupshop yesterday @WhoIsMrRobot @ThisIsStory

On the back of the fake $ we got to buy our ice cream @the #MrRobot #popupshop yesterday @WhoIsMrRobot @ThisIsStory

from my Instagram

Got my #BBCMicroBit from @ThePiHut today! So, this is the #nthpete #latenite #tech post! Can't wait to get started on this lil guy! #nthpetelatenitetechpost #uktech #tinytech #wearable #cheaptech #techforkids #kidstech #thepihut

Got my #BBCMicroBit from @ThePiHut today! So, this is the #nthpete #latenite #tech post! Can't wait to get started on this lil guy! #nthpetelatenitetechpost #uktech #tinytech #wearable #cheaptech #techforkids #kidstech #thepihut

from my Instagram

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Is it #art? Or #accident? #YouMakeTheCall! #photography? #artsyfartsy? #wellcomposed? Or #Oopsitookapichur?

Is it #art? Or #accident? #YouMakeTheCall! #photography? #artsyfartsy? #wellcomposed? Or #Oopsitookapichur?

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"Chewie, we're home..." When in CA, I visit #FrysElectronics. Cc: @FrysElectronics #StarWars ref by @SierraRein

"Chewie, we're home..." When in CA, I visit #FrysElectronics. Cc: @FrysElectronics #StarWars ref by @SierraRein

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Got to #fistbump #DwayneJohnson on the plane. Thanks @therock! You, uh, rock!!

Got to #fistbump #DwayneJohnson on the plane. Thanks @therock! You, uh, rock!!

from my Instagram

Another one from the #plane tonight. #photography #phonography #nofilter #DroidTurbo #planephoto

Another one from the #plane tonight. #photography #phonography #nofilter #DroidTurbo #planephoto

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I flew in a plane and saw this out the window.

I flew in a plane and saw this out the window.

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Dang it! Our flight from #SFO back to #JFK has #wifi but it's broken! Not happy @Delta!

Dang it! Our flight from #SFO back to #JFK has #wifi but it's broken! Not happy @Delta!

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From last night at thr movies: I said a toast to the movie and it was good!

From last night at thr movies: I said a toast to the movie and it was good!

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From last night: #selfie inside a new fangled theaters w/reclining seats. It was lovely! Do we have these in #NYC?

From last night: #selfie inside a new fangled theaters w/reclining seats. It was lovely! Do we have these in #NYC?

from my Instagram

Friday, July 15, 2016

Just saw the new #Ghostbusters. Not only can women be hillarious but they can bust ghosts just fine. #BustOnLadies!

Just saw the new #Ghostbusters. Not only can women be hillarious but they can bust ghosts just fine. #BustOnLadies!

from my Instagram

The long and winding #AirTrain track to #JFK... 🎶🎵🎶 #TheBeatles

The long and winding #AirTrain track to #JFK... 🎶🎵🎶 #TheBeatles

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One of my favorite things about #flying #Delta: free #Biscoff #cookies, great for dipping! #GingerCookies+#merlot 😚

One of my favorite things about #flying #Delta: free #Biscoff #cookies, great for dipping! #GingerCookies+#merlot 😚

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The biggest problem with this #Delta flight is that the guy 2 rows in front of me is watching #BatmanVsSuperman

The biggest problem with this #Delta flight is that the guy 2 rows in front of me is watching #BatmanVsSuperman

from my Instagram

Wow. Am on a plane to NoCal working on a photobook of my best #DisneyCruiseLine photos and sharing it with you. i💗tech

Wow. Am on a plane to NoCal working on a photobook of my best #DisneyCruiseLine photos and sharing it with you. i💗tech

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tonight's #nthpete #latenite #tech post is a #screenshot of a buggy #UI #GoGo/#Delta have on the flight I'm on.

Tonight's #nthpete #latenite #tech post is a #screenshot of a buggy #UI #GoGo/#Delta have on the flight I'm on.

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On a flight to #NoCal and managed to catch this #photo on the way up from #JFK as the #sun was setting. #sunset

On a flight to #NoCal and managed to catch this #photo on the way up from #JFK as the #sun was setting. #sunset

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This thing has a twist top. I wonder should I shake before opening?

This thing has a twist top. I wonder should I shake before opening?

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Crazy #sky over my #Uptown #Manhattan/#WashingtonHeights #NYC neighborhood last Monday. #clouds #sun

Crazy #sky over my #Uptown #Manhattan/#WashingtonHeights #NYC neighborhood last Monday. #clouds #sun

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